Take all your clothes off Allow yourself the be exposed. Observe your surroundings and open your doors.   Unravel the strings, Unlock, For this, It's the love, The love you're given, The love you're being given. Unlike any breath of air you've ever taken. Dive into a book, Brush your fingers across the pages. Bury your head in the clouds.   Escape from...

Gotta catch em' Photograph them, Take them in like colored black and white pretty ditty photographs Taken by the man.   Man Stands Man stands tall behind that lens. Thousand dollars to support his own dreams. Saves his dimes and nickels Tickles the filter buttons Wrestles with his mind Over what to do next Landscapes, Boudoir, Painted pretty on an abandoned kitchen...

Just a simple touch A pinch of this A dash of that An array of colors reflecting earth and warmth Together, Gathered, A table set. They dined and laughed, No longer strangers. And food, and wine, and kindness All shared. ...

And it's alright. It's alright. You're alright. Alright? Alright.   You don't have to do a thing, You don't have a thing to worry To think To talk To cry about Anymore.   One new date And then a pause And then you realize it's not going To happen Again.   And for the first time In years. Do you feel sick For Valentine's Day For what the...

When the sun sets on the city, It doesn't set on my soul. Dreams and imagination escaping from chains. When the sun sets on the city, It ignites the fire in my eyes.   My heart, wingless. My heart, sealed with gold. Restored.   When the sun sets on the city, All fortunes set are told. Embracing...

I need to be inspired I need to be inspired Like the fish cold water that lifts the sand beneath my toes. Like the brisk waves that threaten to collapse lungs on pavement and woodwork and stars that dance too aggressively in the sky. Where the wind doesn't branch but flows...

He made me feel unfinished. As if this piece of me I've yet to find Was looming. Jingling.   I can't explain it, But I'm gonna try.   Okay, set scene: Rolling. Scrolling. Panning To the next page. Past the window. Past a door frame.   Zoom to a windowpane on the Far right Far left Far corner of my broken, beaten heart, Since recovered, Off the...

I am unapologetically in love with my emotions and the way I love others unconditionally. At 20 I was told that I needed to curb my attitude and that I was irrational. At 21 I was told that I cried too much. At 22 my intelligence was insulted...

Skin stretched Curtains folded in a line Corridors blemished You've got that liquid look Silently slimy from your head down to your toes. Footprints down the hall Hatchet carried About to fall Flesh split Spine twist'd. You've got that black ribbon on your neck Curtains folded on the bed Fishing line tied Ribbon down your sides You've got that blood. You've...

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